O'Dea and Moore Architects was founded in 1978 by the coming together of Michael O'Dea, (B.Arch. FRIAI.RIBA) and Paul Moore (B.Arch. FRIAI.RIBA).
Michael O'Dea had previously worked for Alan Hope Architects and subsequently as a director in John Thompson and Partners (Limerick and Dublin).
During this period Michael O'Dea collaborated with Walter Gropius' firm, the Architects Collaborative of Cambridge, Massachusetts on the design of an urban centre in Co. Wexford.

Paul Moore (retired 2002) had previously worked as an associate in the practice of Marcel Breuer and Associates, New York and subsequently for Hope Cuffe and Associates in Dublin.

Stephen O'Dea (BSc Arch. Dip Arch. MRIAI.RIBA) worked from 1992 - 1995 with Belgravia Property Company Ltd in London and from 1995 to date in O'Dea and Moore Architects.

Stephen O'Dea (principal since 2002) remains committed to providing high quality building solutions and many other services to the client.

O'Dea and Moore Architects have successfully undertaken and completed a large range of projects including:
  • Residential,
  • Commercial and Retail,
  • Industrial,
  • Office,
  • Educational,
  • Sports Buildings.
The practice also holds Grade 3 Conservation accreditation from the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland and has completed many projects involving Protected Structures.

O'Dea and Moore Architects consistently meet rigorous pre-qualification criteria in obtaining regular repeat commissions from statutory bodies such as:
  • The Office of Public Works,
  • The Department of Education,
  • The Digital Hub Development Agency.
AIB Clarins Department of Education and Science Digital Reality Trust Irish Rail Leisure Plex Office of Public Works Servecentric Archidiocese of Dublin